Orange Thol Pacchadi (Peel of Orange in a sweet,sour gravy)

So this was one of those dishes which my grandmother used to make and as always had tons of orange peel post my juice this morning… Somehow I never learnt or saw her making this but found a recipe online which was sounded somewhat similar to what she might have done….the proof  was the pudding and I must say it turned outdelightfully similar to my grandmothers :)…I believe that a lot of traditional old school Indian foods have some meaning to them….a history…a story…and usually linked to some form of health benefit…Apparently health-promoting phytonutrients (flavanones) are found in the peel and inner white pulp of the orange than in its liquid orange center.

So here goes Orange Thol Pacchadi

Cooking time: 30 mins

Serves 3-4 and keeps for long in the fridge

Peel of Orange with sweet/sour gravy


  • Peels of one orange chopped – 1 cup
  • Tamarind water – 1 cup
  • Sambar powder – 1.5 tsp
  • Turmeric powder- 1/4 tsp
  • Jaggery – 1.5 tbsp
  • Green chillies( slit) – 2
  • Red chillies – 3
  • Fresh ginger minced– 1 tbsp
  • Hing – 1 pinch
  • Mustard seeds – 1 tsp
  • Fenugreek seeds – ½ tsp
  • Bengal gram dal – 1 tbsp
  • Curry leaves – a few
  • Oil – 1.5 tbsp
The How:
Heat oil in a pan and add mustard seeds and allow to splutter.
Add fenugreek seeds, bengal gram dhal and roast until golden in color.
Add hing, red chillies, green chillies and the ginger and fry for few seconds.
Now add the chopped orange peels and the curry leaves and sauté, then cover with a lid and cook on a low flame.
After 2 minutes remove the lid and add turmeric powder and fry for a few seconds.
Add tamarind juice, salt, jaggery and sambar powder and cook on low heat for 20-25 minutes for the pacchadi to thicken.
Serve with rice or curd rice.