Zucchini Soup


Zucchini Soup

I was gifted a book on my recent trip to Chennai called The Bangala Table. Its a collection of recipes from The Bangala in Chettinad. I was told by Mrs Alagu Muthu that their soup section is especially good and since the husband and daughter love soup I decided to try a recipe out despite it being Dubai’s vacation on the SUN this month. Its a very simple soup and it was ready in about 20 minutes so perfect for quick dinner.

Zucchini Soup


(2 servings)

1 large Zucchini – cut into chunks

1 large onion –  roughly cut

1 clove garlic – minced

1 tbsp butter

Salt and Pepper to taste

Water as needed


To Soup

Start by melting butter in a large pot.

Once butter is heated add garlic and onion and saute until translucent .

Add Zucchini and saute until zucchini begins to soften.

Add water until it just covers the veggies and bring to a boil

Boil covered for 6-8 minutes until zucchini is cooked properly

Cool the mixture sufficiently before transferring to a blender and its done.

Add salt and pepper and heat before serving. That simple 🙂

Serve hot